Broker Check

Crisis Check In

| March 14, 2020
In 45 years as a financial advisor, I’ve been through countless “crises.” I can’t remember a single one that I enjoyed or that didn’t scare me nearly half to death. All were alarming, unprecedented, and earth shattering. The other thing I forget every time a new crisis occurs is that we made it through all the previous ones despite our fears.
Today, we face a new crisis, equally as frightening as most of its predecessors. As usual, It’s easy to find the lump in my throat or the pit in my stomach. As usual, fear has no upside in dealing with this crisis. What does have upside is leadership, confidence, experience, and belief.
Together, Brandon, Celeste, and I have 90 years of financial experience and we are not going anywhere. We are here to listen, to hold you close, and to help you through. We believe in you, we believe in us, and we believe in a bright tomorrow. We just have to navigate a difficult today.
Please reach out with whatever is on your mind and needs our attention. And while we’re getting through this, let’s don’t forget to help others along their way as well.